Technical Recruiting
A premium technical recruiting service that doesn't waste your time or your team's time. We do the technical assessment up-front because we are ex-Developers.
We meet the team
We meet the teams that are looking to fill their ranks, because we can talk code and architecture, this step helps us get to the root of the type of mind you need to hire. We said "Mind" and not candidate, we evaluate how the candidate things and not just their resume and work history.
We draft a unique and tailored technical assesment
Based on your needs and our meetings with your team, we design the technical assessment that will be given to all candidates. You only get the candidates we are willing to hire ourselves.
You get our professional opinion on the candidate and their potential for growth in your organization.
You get a video recording of the interview (ever evaluate a candidate while going for a run? One of our clients loved that ability)
Candidate submission
Now you get just a few candidates, all previously vetted for your specific needs, all that remains is whether you want to work with them or not. They meet your team, you can pass them through an additional technical assessment if you wish and off to the races. A candidate hired in record time.
Expert advice on team topology
We are not just technical recruiters, those are a dime a dozen. We are ex-technical leaders and CTOs who advise companies on a daily basis. Not sure if you need new people,
Stop wasting time with your existing recruiter
If you need to hire technical talent, get a technical person to do it for you. I know how to read between the lines.